Wednesday Night Crochet/Knit Night in the Sutherland Shire
I recently joined a fabulous group called Sutherland Shire Fibre Artists that meet every Wednesday Night at Boyles Hotel Sutherland.
I cannot speak highly enough of this warm and welcoming group. Wednesday nights are a highlight of my week because of these wonderful ladies.
Sharon created the group a few years ago to create an environment of like minded people to crochet and knit with and in my opinion, it's been a huge success.
The Sutherland Shire Fibre Artists Facebook group has over 500 members and is a very active group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/623607794482953.
If you have any questions please direct them to the admins of the group Sharon Ann Brown or Leanne Massey.
Why don't you join us for some friendly conversation and some crocheting/knitting time?
Some important details...
6pm - dinner in the bistro - optional
7pm - 9pm - meet upstairs in the conference room at Boyles Hotel Sutherland, cnr Boyle St and Princes Highway Sutherland.
No fees, just bring yourself and your current project.